Brain Soul Success Show

Brain Soul Success Show

Brain-Soul Success is the ultimate guide to making an impact in your life and business by using energy work, ancient spiritual practices, frequency medicine and expert brain-work. Dr. Louise Swartswalter is a re-known naturopathic doctor, neuro- biofeedback specialist, frequency medicine doctor, dedicated life coach who has helped 45,000 clients walk their truth, Creator of the B.R.A.I.N. System and founder and owner of Albuquerque Natural Health Center which houses a holistic and natural line of  frequency enhanced supplements and vitamins.

Do you feel like you are stuck or have unused or wasted power lying just beneath your surface?  Perhaps you are stepping into your next level of service and want guidance?  Do you feel strongly about changing your life or business and just don’t know how or where to start?

Come back each week to get tips and access to some of Dr. Louise’ systems, tools and expertise for balancing your energy, manifesting intentions  and clearing trauma so that you can live the life you deserve. Learn from her guests the secrets to creating success on all levels!  

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